Yes, the title of this post is a quote.
I try not to get political in my posts and, despite the potentially inflammatory nature of this post title, this post is still not political.
Canadians are, right now, particularly resistant to the United States. I saw this pretty clear when I visited Calgary last week; there were more Canadian flags raised and flying in private houses than I have ever before seen. Shops and stores have "Made in Canada" stickers and posters very prevalent. There are even mobile apps to help Canadian consumers identify "Made in Canada" products.
Most notable, of course, was a few weeks ago when the American National Anthem was booed and jeered in Toronto during an NHL game, and again during the 4 Nations Cup tournament (Boston reciprocated, and jeered the Canadian anthem).
Last Sunday I was at the Calgary Flames game when the San Jose Sharks visited. During the US National Anthem someone tried to jeer. He was quickly told - by the crowd, to Shut the Fuck Up! No one booed after that. No one jeered. In fact, the crowd applauded at the end.
It was heartwarming.
I think this is a good lesson for anyone who wants to disparage anyone else based on their nationality. Seriously. Just shut the fuck up.
(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe
Blind Skeleton
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