Under His Shadow. #Shadow Hunters SMASh Contest Round 364

in Shadow Hunters13 days ago

Under the shadows of His love, will I dwell.
Under His Shadow, I will have protection and security.
Under His Shadow I will have peace and safety.
Under His Shadow, there is plenty and abundance to supply all my needs
Under His Shadow, my life is secured.

I know One whose shadow is enough to keep from all calamities.
He watches and broods over His own like the hen broods over His chicks.
He is more than able to carry us through all the troubles in the world.
Under His shadow, there is safety.

I am talking about my God.
He is bigger than the biggest;
He is greater than the greatest.
He is able to secure and preserve.

As we enjoy our adventures in making our shadow images, let us remember to run under the shadows of the Almighty.
