This is a post I wanted to do for a while now, showing the difference behind 1 g of pure gold vs 1 g of gold in the form of gold backs. After doing some quick math, 1 g is about 32 in the GoldBack denomination :D
So, let's first start with the one gram gold bar. It's just so tiny 🫣
Reminder, today's melting value per g of gold is $93.75! Yes, gold is that expensive 😅
And now the goldbar vs 1 g of gold in the form of gold backs:
As you can see I used some higher denomination GBs.
If I had used the basic unit of "1" the goldback stack would have been even more impressive, as it would be a total of 32 gb notes 😁
So, whixh do you prefer? The pure gold or the goldbacks?
I think we can all agree goldbacks are more fun. Sure, they come for a much higher premium compared to pure gold but generally it's a premium that carries on if you decide to sell em. And there is even an on growing list of shops (in the US) accepting them as tender so imo does it really matter?
No idea what gold backs are? Well the official website just got a revamp so feel free to check it out! It has all the info you need:
Ok friends, this is it for today! See you soon with more shiny stuff :D
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