After that, I swept the entire surrounding areas here at our house. It was very easy to me to removed those dry leaves because it wont sticking to the sand and with the used of broomsticks, I can swept those trash very easy. Lansdscapes are also remake and planted lots of ornamental plants. Flowering pots are placed very well and organized and watered it so it wont get dry and died.
We have a place were big trees grows just like this areas. Everytime when I do cleaning the entire areas, this place wont be forgotten to clean. Lots of dry manggo leaves fallen here and it really needs to swept and burn. This is where I always do swing to keep myself relaxing and feel more comfortable. This big and tall manggo tree was planted by my Father many years ago already in fact in was also prodoced lots of fruits.
I also gave time for my Daughter and as I finished my Cleaning activities, I decided to do bonding with my Daughter and to make her to have fun and enjoyed, I take an exploration activities at my Husband's farm. She loves to walked outside specially early in the Morning. It is perfecf to walk outside while the intense heat is not yet happen and this what I did this Morning.
My Daughter loves to play here kiddy bike when She is in outside and as for that I also bring her bikes to the lawn. She was really having a wonderful time playing outside riding here kiddy bike and after a few hours of playing we decided to went back home for taking a few minute rest.
This is my Husband's place were lots of coconut trees planted. This is one of their primary source of income and I really amazed of the place. Every morning this is the place were we always do hiking with my Daughter and taking lots of photo of the place.
Somw of the fruit plants can be seen here are Bananas and Papaya. The Papaya plants are already produced lots of fruits and we are very happy to see it. This can be harvested for the following Months and we really take cared of it.
After exploring at the place and General cleaning activities, we decided to ate our breakfast and our viand was very special and exotic and this was the shrimp stew. My Husband catched this shrimps last evening and He cooked it for our Breakfast. I really love to eat shrimps because this is my Favorite.
At the Coffee Shop:
This afternoon, Me and my Partner were decided to went to the coffee shop near at the Supermarket just to buy pairs of Iced coffee. We decided not to bring our Daughter because of the intense heat happens here in our Place, she was also enjoyed playing to her Grandparents at home.
I really like the place because it contains a great over views of the entire market. The streets and some vehicles can also be seen. There are lots of iced coffee flavors can be choose to buy and we spent a few minutes waiting for our orders and while waiting, we taked lots of pictures at the place.
After a few minutes of waiting, finally we already taked our orders and we also make a friends to the workers inside of the coffee shop. This was my first time to taste this kind of coffee and it was really delicious. Thank you for stopping by to my post, have a nice day everyone.