Give me a good movie, a cozy blanket, and a quiet room, and I'm set for a perfect day.
Socializing as a Chore
For me, going out is not a leisure activity, but a chore. I would rather spend my free time watching movies, reading books, or simply enjoying some quiet time alone at home. The thought of going through crowded spaces, engaging in small talk makes me exhausted in a matter of minute.
When people visit me, I feel a sense of stress wash over me. I worry about entertaining them, making conversation, and ensuring they're comfortable. It's a lot of pressure, and by the time they leave, I'm drained. My energy levels falls from 100% to 0% in a matter of hours.
My Passion for Movies
Growing up, my love for movies knew no bounds. I was utterly captivated by the magic of the screen, and my obsession often led me to prioritize watching movies over other essential activities like eating. Mind you it never took the place of my studies, My family would often tease me, saying I'd forget to eat if I was engrossed in a movie.
The Frustrating Reality
of Power Outages
The electricity system in my country is very unreliable, atleast in the area where i live, and it wasn't uncommon for the power to be out for hours or even days at a time. But whenever the electricity was restored, I'd seize the opportunity to watch movies to my heart's content.
A Memorable Sacrifice
One particular incident stands out in my mind. I was around 12 years old, and my siblings and I were supposed to accompany our mom on an outing. At that time, we had a small foodstuff shop at home, and our mom instructed us that one of us needed to stay behind and look after the shop. My siblings and I were all reluctant to miss out on the fun, but then the electricity company surprised us with a sudden restoration of power.
In that instant, I volunteered to stay behind and watch the shop. My excitement shot up, oh i was so happy and my mom couldn't help but laugh at me about it.My siblings teased me, saying I was only staying behind because I wanted to watch movies and they were not wrong.
The movie am currently into is a Korean ongoing series called Mother ad Mom. It's about a mother preparing her 7year old daughter for an exam, while allowing the girls grandmother to handle some other creative aspect of the child's life.
My love for movies never wavered even up to this day, having an android phone has even made it easier for me to access movies today.
I don't know if am the only one but movies takes me out of reality, being a grown up is tough, there is too much responsibilities and things to keep up with. Watching movies calms me down and help me forget some certain situations even if it's for a moment.
Images are screenshots from my phone
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