The Olympics is coming to an end this weekend, and work is starting on Monday. So I have to put my game face (as well as some pants) on, and head back to the office.
Pants on.
They expect so much of us.
I am kind of looking forward to going back to work and kind of dreading it at the same time. The dread is mostly because I know the work I have waiting for me, and the time I will have to do it. After the time off, it is unlikely I will hit my bonus this quarter, which sucks.
Smile and wave.
But it will be nice to see some of my colleagues again and rebuild a routine of some sort. Having some kind if timetable helps me stay somewhat motivated, as without, I am far more likely to let things slide.
There is no slide this weekend though, as Smallsteps' birthday is coming next week and on Sunday we will have family over to celebrate. Nothing too dramatic, just some cakes and finger food, but of course, the house needs to be cleaned.
Something that got slid.
Smallsteps has specifically asked for no toys this year, as she realizes she has too many. Instead, she wants some books, so we have people buying one out of a series that she enjoys. We got her the first book from another series too, as she has been listening to an audiobook version of it and lovea it, so we figured it will help her be engaged reading it also. She reads quite well, but it is slow. I suspect that by the time she finishes the first book, she will be quite proficient.
And then it is our wedding anniversary next week too.
9 years.
This year, I planned and ordered a gift months ahead. But it isn't going to arrive on time. So I will have to come up with something else instead. I a a bit disappointed, as it just makes it look like I am lame and thoughtless, which is true 99% of the time, but not this time.
Should have planned a contingency gift.
I guess I have to buy a gift card.
[ Gen1: Hive ]