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RE: What Do You Actually Remember?

in Reflections18 days ago

Or those scenes got printed in my head, because my parents told me about them many times over the years? Have you thought about this?

I have thought about this often. My father recently passed away. I have many stories I tell my kids about growing up. As I discussed a few of those stories with my siblings, I realized I was probably passing along stories I have heard and not actual memories of my own. On a different note, I also realized many of my stories were not true lol either I remembered them wrong being young at the time or misunderstood stories and retold them differently (different being wrong 🙄) Of course there are also stories I have knowingly and intentionally embellished over the years to make them better or to drive home a point haha


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one thinking about this.

On a different note, I also realized many of my stories were not true lol either I remembered them wrong being young at the time or misunderstood stories and retold them differently (different being wrong 🙄)

This is a tricky and dangerous one and I tell you why. I've been told several stories from my childhood, but the story sometimes is altered by the story teller and this is a bad thing because you then remember something that is not true and adults should be responsible about this and avoid to alter facts.