Simulator time is ON

in Rally16 days ago

Hi, friends!

In the months when there is no competition for us, the easiest way (and the cheapest) to stay sharp is to be in front of the simulator.

I don't have expensive sim machinery, just Logitech steering wheel with pedals and gearshifter plus PS4 and WRC10 video game.

I know that this is no the same but time with steering wheel in your hands is very important, so that's why I practice this way.

The other way to stay sharp is to on karting and that's in plans for this spring.

I must say that even @driipam tried my simulator and hope that she will try some more.

Please visit:

@driipam trying simulator first time:


Follow @pfunk and @guiltyparties for newest witness news.

Great attitude from crew at @minnowsupport :)

Grab a beer and enjoy!



Hah I tried it again and it ended badly 😭. Sorry…

I should leave it to the professionals f
(Aka you 😝)

Practice makes you better.