Hello everybody. Here is the #137 operate report of the Guild - Peakmonster [Hurricane]. Let's see our guild information and our last brawl result.
Guild information
We are a guild that fully supported by Start from April 2024, we will have member fee. Which is 5% of each brawl reward.
We had a LV9 Guild Hall. Up to 27 members we can have.
This is our LV8 Lodge. So we have a RP bouns +12% and Shop discount 6%OFF.
Our Lv9 Arena. We are involved in Tier 5 brawl.
We have LV8 Barracks. 8 Tactics can be used in brawl.
Our Store was upgrated to Level 7 recently. We can have +120% Merit Bouns.
News update
Target of 2025
Our target now changed to upgrade Hall. I wish all of our members can involved in it and increase your investment in our guild.
Guild Leader donation after last report:
Stephenkinglee33 500 GP
Scfather 200 GP
Oleksandr-3811 200 GP
Thank you to all the members who participated in the investment to our Arena after last guild report was released.
Klemensxviii 200 GP
Natividad02 200 GP
Johnk602 200 GP
Transcript-junky 100 GP
Swami-b 100 GP
Stokjockey 150 GP
Adamaro 100 GP
Ytfdinau 250 GP
Creign02 200 GP
Zulehhh 400 GP
Last Brawl Result
Now take a look at the results of the last Brawl battle (21 Feb 2025)
We finished 7 with a 85W 131L at tier 5 brawl
144.126 SPS reward.
Personal Results
Member Win Rate Ranking
Introduction of Guild General rewards
When we upgrade to Tier 4 Brawl battles, we launched a brand new Brawl reward: Guild General rewards. This reward is sent by 3 generals in this Guild: me (account scfather), Stephen (account Stephenkinglee33) and Oleksandr-3811. We will distribute 20% of the SPS rewards obtained in each Brawl in the above two accounts as "Guild General Rewards". And will distribute to those who participated in the Gold foil card battlefield (Fray 21-25) and the best results in each Brawl battle members.
The distribution of relevant rewards is as follows: (% refers to the percentage of the total rewards)
1。Rewards related to Brawl result (accounting for 50% of the total rewards)
The member with the highest winning rate 10% (If more than one person will share the reward equally)
Fray 21 (Gold GF wild Card) 6%
Fray 22 (Gold GF modern Card) 6%
Fray 23 (Gold GF Card Alpha Beta Untamed) 6%
Fray 24 (Diamond GF wild Card) 11%
Fray 25 (Diamond GF modern Card) 11%
2。Rewards for investing GP in Guild (accounting for 50% of total rewards)
Members will share the remain 50% Guild General rewards pool according to the shares % that they donated from the total GP donated count.
Guild General Rewards Result
In this issue of Guild General Rewards, my account Scfather, Stephen (account Stephenkinglee33) and Oleksandr-3811. Each of us draw 20% of the brawl rewards of 144.126 SPS. The total rewards will be 86.475 SPS.
Rewards of Brawl result
The Rewards of Brawl result are as follows:
Highest winrate : Stephenkinglee33 (10% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward total was 8.647 SPS.
Fray 21: Swami-b (6% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 5.188 SPS
Fray 22: Cyberblock (6 of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 5.188 SPS
Fray 23: Oleksandr-3811 (6% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 5.188 SPS
Fray 24: Stokjockey (11% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 9.512 SPS
Fray 25: Kalavia (11% of Total Guild General rewards pool). Reward 9.512 SPS
There are total 50% of the Guild General Rewards pool.
All rewards were sent from my account Scfather.
Rewards of Guild Point investment
There are 25 active members had invested GP to the Guild.
The Rewards of GP investment are as follows:
22 members will share the remain 50% Guild General rewards pool according to the shares % that they donated from the total GP donated.
Total counted GP donated : 2948172
50% of Guild General reward pool is 43.237 SPS
Investment amount from guild leader account
Stephenkinglee33 donated 811387 GP. (535385 GP he bought from markjason, 18810 GP from Am0n)
Scfather 105887 GP
Oleksandr-3811 25800 GP
Scboy donated 1407 GP (Now account at Peakmonster Asia)
Guild leaders will not got the rewards
Members who receive rewards
Gentlelibrarian donated 1568350. That is 81.5% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 35.258 SPS
Kalavia donated 86900. That is 4.5% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 1.953 SPS
Stokjockey donated 49640. That is 2.5% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 1.116 SPS
Zulehhh donated 32303. That is 1.6% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.726 SPS
Ytfdinau donated 24000. That is 1.2% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.539 SPS
Natividad02 donated 13800. That is 0.7% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.31 SPS
Siaob donated 22577. That is 1.1% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.507 SPS
Reen213 donated 7750. That is 0.4% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.174 SPS
Morzhan donated 8394. That is 0.4% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.188 SPS
Tanmay17 donated 10199. That is 0.5% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.229 SPS
Creign02 donated 7700. That is 0.4% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.173 SPS
Lugobda donated 6500. That is 0.3% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.146 SPS
Johnk602 donated 5720. That is 0.2% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.128 SPS
Creeptor donated 13099. That is 0.6% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.294 SPS
Klemensxviii donated 5700. That is 0.2% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.128 SPS
Mario11 donated 6150. That is 0.3% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.138 SPS
Adamaro donated 3800. That is 0.1% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.085 SPS
Cyberblock donated 2800. That is 0.1% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.062 SPS
Capricorn03 donated 3300. That is 0.1% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.074 SPS
Swami-b donated 300. That is 0.01% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.006 SPS
Transcript-junky donated 300. That is 0.01% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.006 SPS
Numbercrunch donated 1000. That is 0.05% of the total GP donated amount. Reward 0.022 SPS
All rewards were sent from my account scfather.
The list below were players that donated in Guild buildings but they left our guild.
Deportivolamas donated 40.
Onthemountain donated 2433.
Incojim donated 1000.
Nadozia donated 1100.
Anthonyyy donated 20.
Sp4astimber donated 10000.
Adamastor152 donated 1000.
Vitaoo donated 235.
Hentaichopper donated 1000.
Juliusm518 donated 1320.
Mezzmezz donated 150.
Ninbum94 donated 1000.
Kirisawa01 donated 40.
Sudhir32 donated 1590.
Sp5astimber donated 1120
Isko004 donated 230.
Richardoswal donated 4333
Secret-class donated 710
Doomsday-king donated 1700
Sk345ai donated 9700
Zuleh donated 14469.
Micchy012 donated 2775.
Micchyboi donated 30.
Bulkathos donated 6714.
Sg43 donated 3280.
Bindrs donated 2800.
Jadedaniel donated 320.
Ny23 donated 4520.
Mafit donated 400.
Crusher22 donated 20000.
Nhan142 donated 53.
Cosmicpigee4 donated 620.
Recruit new members
There were several Peakmonster Official Guilds that you can join in. If you are looking for a guild, welcome to leave a message of this post. I am the co-leader of two guilds:
Peakmonster [Asia] and
Peakmonster [Hurricane]
Join in the game Splinterlands
If you want to play Splinterlands, please feel free to click the Referral Link to enter my referral code "scfather".