Nature has always fascinated me.
Every time I stop to contemplate it, I try to learn something from it.
I find horses, in particular, so fascinating that I always try to photograph them, seeking an expression that highlights the elegance they display, even from stillness, through their simple bearing.
With this series of photographs, I intend to participate in the "PhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography Round 108" hosted by @photofeed here and hope you enjoy them.
Hugs to all!

La naturaleza siempre me ha fascinado.
Cada vez que me detengo a contemplarla intento aprender algo de ella.
Los caballos, en especial, los encuentro fascinantes al punto de siempre tratar de fotografiarlos buscando alguna expresión que logre resaltar la elegancia que muestran, incluso desde la quietud, por el simple porte que reflejan.
Con esta serie de fotografías pretendo participar en el "PhotoFeed Contest - Black & White Photography Round 108" hosted by @photofeed aquí con el anhelo de que las disfruten.
¡Abrazos a todos!