How Speed is Matter on Moonkarts
Moonkarts as a race game is very much depended on speed. With higher speed, you can finish the lap faster, especially on the track where there is many long straight road. For a short circuit with many turn, handling is having great impact, but still, so far all the track is having quite high long straight road.
For improving your kart speed, you can carefully pick the kart, driver, and other part with highest speed points, as long as you can afford them. When all gear is equipped, even little speed points is matter cause you can't easily add speed point anymore.
Here is my kart setup, with 233 speed based on the stats. It's quite hard for me improve the speed, I will try to look more for the accecories, maybe I can find faster pipe. It's quite hard to improve the kart speed once you already got high tier of kart and engine, even if you can, it might cost a lot.
You Opponent Might Find Same Problem
As my experience on racing with other people lately, I found that some people is having little different if not the same speed with my Kart. I got a race with @libertycrypto27 yesterday and we have a great race. On my first race, I was beaten with quite long gap, and I just realize that he use the celestial thrust to gain massive speed improvement for few second, and it does matter cause I was not using any power ups at that race. I go into the race again and now I am using the celestial thrust as well, and result is suprising me ! We are having a tight race, which mean his kart's actual speed is having little speed different with mine ! I can even win some match against him. We share some fun race with the little speed gap! (Too bad I didn't think about record it yesterday)
Is It Worth the Oil ?
Yap, the power up is cost a lot of oil. Each of them will cost you 42.5 oil, that is the reason I was not using it on the first race, and decide to use them after I think it will give a significant effect ! Since I am trying to climb the rank point leaderboard, I think it's worth the oil because the reward from the rank and orbital leaderboard is still higher than the oil consumption of my kart. I also manage to save several second because manage to finish faster with the help of power ups. But, it all depend on your purpose and calculation, so think carefully wether you need the power up or not.
How to Get Power Up ?
You can get the power up by open the centauri pack, which now already sold out but you can still get them on the hive engine market at . There is also another option to get them from the official market at . Since they are a common cards, you can easily get them with 1 or 2 packs !
My Next Target
This season is almost done, so I will set target for next season. My target is for reaching higher rank with the help of power ups, because I will use different approach, where I used to giving up on speed gap and now I will fight with power ups.
Final Words
If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on
PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!
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Moon Kart for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name
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