No More Official Pack Sale | Change my Focus Into Staking Colony

in FreeCompliments9 days ago

Moonkart (11).jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. At my latest post about Moonkarts, I planned to get the packs till find the legendary Kart, but my plan must changed cause the official pack is already removed !


Centauri Pack on Moonkarts

The centauri pack is used to be on the moonkarts shop, with $5 cost or can be purchased with 5 script. This pack contains everything cause it's the only available pack at the moment. Since the legendary Kart is very expensive on the market, I have a plan to get some pack in order to find them, while seeking for other legendary cards for generating fuel, but my plan should changed cause today I find they are already sold out !

Since the centauri pack is already sold out, this mean we need to wait for the next series pack if want to gamble for the legendary Kart again (if there is any, but I'm sure it will). There are also talk on the discord that the pack will be set as reward for burning mechanism. It would be interesting, and now I think it's make sense that some people already looking for fuels !
Anyway, we could still get the pack from the hive engine, but I love buying the pack from the official instead, to support the developer make progress on the game.
I also believe my luck is there, like the legendary tire I've got before !


Change Focus on Staking Colony

Staking colony become my priority right know, because it would give more multiplier colony rewards on the race. There are also a news that the dev is developing a program for their curator for 1m colony staked ! Well, that is a lot of colony needed, still soo far away from my point, but I am working towards it !

I will start with 27k colony today, with some of them is coming from selling fuel few days ago. It's a nice feeling to earn from the fuel and get more staked colony ! My target is the 1 million colony, I don't know how long it will take, but I think I will try to enjoy the process.
I wish I could earn more from race as well, which would be easier with the legendary kart, but since I only have the epic, let's see if I could get some race ahead, maybe I will be more intense next season.


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you playing Moon Karts? Do you buy the pack from hive engine since there is no more available on the official site ? Please let us know by put it on comment section !

If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on

PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

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Put 3% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

Moon Kart for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~


There's a lot of possible benefits of staking Colony.

  • Voting security (honey-swap vote)
  • Stakehouseden Hotsauce
  • Higher ranked rewards for Moonkarts
  • Higher ranked rewards for Hyperblastergame
  • Upcoming games

Thanks for the information
what is the hotsauce mean ?

It's for the upcoming game Stakehouseden. You stake Colony and in return you'll receive Hotsauce just like the idea of Vault in Moonkarts - where you get fuels.

Hotsauce will then be used to play for Casino games present on Stakehouseden.

so, hotsauce is just like the energy, but we still need another resource to put into the game to play the casino ?

 9 days ago Reveal Comment