Need For Speed ! Get Improvement for My Kart and Try Another Multiplayer Race With Much Better Performance !

in FreeComplimentslast month

Moonkart (6).jpg

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Today, I try to improve speed aspect of my Kart and had a great Kart performance. Let's check it out !

What is Moon Karts?


Moon Karts is classic kart racing genre likes the mario cart which combined with blockchain technology. It is coming as a 3D and play-to-earn game. This is an enjoyable and financially rewarding game. There is things that makes this games even more interesting, there is upgradable character and carts so we can tecnically improve the kart's performance. This is mostly likes the tamiya things ! And yeah, I'm so interesting on this game !

You can check more details of it's uniqueness on my previous post on


Speed Hunting

So, like I've told you on my previous Moonkart post, I got the handle but not the speed. Now I am trying improve my speed aspect so I can race with better performance !

Most important things about speed is the engine ! I decide to get the epic one, because it will give pretty good speed improvement !

Next the Exhaust Pipes Technology ! I decide to get a rare one to improve my speed as well.

Next driver ! They are not just a cute character, but also having their own stats, and after doing research, I know that Aurora is one of the most speedy character. I decide to get the rare one after buy the common (I think the rare is worth to bought after realize there is rare one while looking for the pipe).


Next the wheels acc, which will give acceleration bonus. I also decide to get a rare one.

Last antennas accecories. This part is not giving speed, but will give handle bonus. Why not improve them while we had the slot ? 😁


Get the Kart Ready With New Part and Go Racing!

This is my Kart after the improvement. No more common part, they are now filled with legendary, epic, and rare part !

My top Speed is 238 after trying it out on Single Mode.

I am curious to try it on the multiplayer ! They are all cost 120 fuel consumption ! Pretty high, I guess?

My first race, I only had 1 enemy to face, and this give me time to a bit relax to calculate the colony and orbital, and I got some for the leaderboard point !

On my 2nd race, I don't collect any colony and orbital, cause I'm just focus on the race 😅

I managed to get on 2nd position and beat someone out there !
I just realize we can drift with space button after seeing the button setting, and it help a lot !

Anyway, here is my race replay, you can watch it if you want ! It's an enjoyable race !

Overall, I am happy with my Kart after the improvement, which having pretty good performance!


My Next Target

Well, my kart performance is quite good, but the problem is I'm still unfamiliar with the track and the colony and orbital placement. So I will train more on single mode, and once I can smoothly collect them, I will go for the multiplayer again ! (Cause they are cost the fuel). I also planned to get more fuel cause I already spent a lot 😂
Last would be getting more power up ! Especially the rocket cause it said they drop your enemies collected colony and orbital 😏


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you playing Moon Karts? Please give me advice on building my own Kart and collect those orbital and colony by put it on comment section below cause I'm still newbie about this game :)

If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on

PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

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Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

Moon Kart for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva for the free photoshop
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~

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