I always look forward to every Sunday because it's always the time to make new plans for a new week, forgetting all that has happened in the previous week. I want to make sure my focus is always on the present rather than in the past and at this moment, the first place I want to be and to begin the week is in the house of the Lord.
One thing I try not to do is take my phone to church to avoid distraction. Well, not everyone would have the same thoughts and reasons as me. Moreover, I always plug my phone at my Reverend's apartment every Sunday to use the opportunity to charge but I didn't do that today. Why?
My phone was fully charged last night, and I only went to plug in one of my power banks that was down, so I took my phone to church to take pictures with my iPhone after the service. I had to focus on that and tried not to pick it up while the service was going on. My phones were set on silent mode which was cool enough for me.
I got to Church a few minutes past 9 am when Sunday school started. I don't miss this at all. The topic was titled, "The Kingdom Lifestyle." We were taught that when the son of man (Jesus) comes back, He's coming to separate the sheep from the goats. We were told the characteristics of both animals, of which Jesus used a metaphor to explain this. The sheep are the righteous ones - those who obey the word of God and the goats are the unrighteous and disobedient ones.
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It was an interesting service, after which we moved to the next service, which was the main one. It started with one of the head choristers, also a deaconess leading in the opening hymn song while the other choristers lined in accordingly to their seats. Then, the pastor opened the service by reading a portion of the scripture and then, after, praise and worship.
I paid rapt attention and my focus was on every detail in the service. After a few hours, service ended, and I decided to take pictures as I'd planned. The only one I wanted to take pictures with was a beautiful little girl I have known since I arrived in this town. Her name is Esther and soon, she would be a big sister to the baby coming.

I have shared my story about Esther here before. I met her through her parents, who took me in when I came to the town and didn't know anyone for my National Youth Service Corps. I lived with them for 3 weeks before I got my apartment and she was just very little then, and now, she's growing into a big girl and beautiful, too.
Esther is a playful girl and very jovial. She loves to smile at every opportunity with people. She's got lots of attention to her in church and everywhere because of her personality. She's very well trained and of good morals. She will always play with everyone regardless of who they are. Sometimes, I'm always wowed by her funny attitude, which gives the impression that she's growing into a big girl and does not need to act like a kid anymore.

I always looked forward to every Sunday in Church when I'd meet with Esther and the other kids. But I'm more closer to her than to other little ones. Times I would buy her something to give in Church because of how I admire her. Whenever she saw me coming, she would run into my arms, and most times, it would take lots of begging to make her leave me as she wouldn't want to. So, I most times dodge her. But she's not someone I could restrain from, not at all.
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I used the opportunity today to create lasting memories of us, because very soon, I would be leaving, but these pictures taken would forever be cherished. I will surely miss her and others but you know, there's an adage that says, "We meet to part, we part to meet." But it isn't always easy, especially when you have created that bond that is difficult to let go of.
Anyway, this is all about my Sunday in church and how I was very excited about these pictures. When I said to her, "Esther, let's go and take pictures," she never hesitated but excitedly followed me immediately, leaving her mom behind. While we were taking pictures, a deaconess in the church requested she take a picture with her, too. That shows how everyone is fond of her, and that's because her parents had brought her up in a good way and manner of how to approach people, most especially to always greet the elderly ones.

All photos belong to me and were taken with my iPhone XS

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