[ENG/DEU] And the story continues: Cocktails are not mixed, but programmed. Part 2

in #leofinancelast month



Yesterday I reported how ChatGPT now tells me how to prepare cocktails. I don't really want to publish stories about alcohol here, but the story goes on and is too funny not to publish. Besides, cocktails are not “booze”, but stylish enjoyment. Be that as it may...

Gestern habe ich berichtet, wie mir ChatGPT mittlerweile erklärt, wie ich Cocktails zuzubereiten habe. Eigentlich will ich hier nicht Geschichten über Alkohol publizieren, aber die Geschichte geht weiter und ist zu lustig, um es nicht zu publizieren. Zudem sind Cocktails ja kein "gesaufe", sondern stilvoller Genuss. Wie dem auch sei...

I already reported yesterday that I find the Flaming B-52 a fascinating cocktail. This also resulted in yesterday's screenshot which, funnily enough, was presented to me as a programmer as pseudo-code:

Ich hatte schon gestern berichtet, dass ich den Flaming B-52 als faszinierenden Cocktail empfinde. Daraus resultierte dann auch der Screenshot von gestern, welcher mir als Programmierer lustigerweise als Pseudo-Code kredenzt wurde:


Today I wanted to pick up some more tips for preparing the Flaming B-52. And what do I get? Here is the screenshot:

Heute wollte ich mir nochmal Tipps für die Zubereitung des Flaming B-52 abholen. Und was bekomme ich? Hier der Screenshot:


Yes, what else can I say? ... I'm upset that step 7 and 8 after the serving are missing:

Ja, was soll ich dazu noch sagen? ... Ich bin empört, dass da Schritt 7 und 8 nach dem servieren fehlen:

// Step 7: make sure the comsumer knows how to handle a Flaming B-52
if (highProofRum && !knowledgeHowToDrinkAFlamingB52)

// Step 8: ignite the high-proof rum
if (highProofRum)

Since a Flaming B-52 requires a special kind of serving (the straw is served separately and not inserted into the drink at the bar, for example) and drinking, I will ask ChatGPT tomorrow what recommendation I should give the consumer. I'm looking forward to that...

Da ein Flaming B-52 eine spezielle Art des Servierens (der Strohhalm wird separat gereicht und nicht schon an der Bar in den Drink gesteckt, zum Beispiel) und Trinkens erfordert, werde ich ChatGPT morgen fragen, welche Empfehlung ich dem Konsumenten mitgeben soll. Na darauf bin ich ja gespannt...

I hope you have learned something!
Maybe about cocktails, maybe about programming...

Ich hoffe, Ihr habt was gelernt!
Eventuell über Cocktails, eventuell über programmieren...

Greetings from Paraguay!

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I'm really confused with those answers, so I don't think I can prepare a good cocktail (lol).


Oh, you can. Don't be scared about. But maybe better use recipes written in pseudo code lol. Some cocktails are basic but very tasteful and nice to see, like a Tequila Sunrise (or its variants) or Hawaiian Blue. It is a very interesting & tasteful hobby - but sadly it's an invitation to expanses. But which hobby isn't? With a few basics you can create a lot of stuff. But then you may realize: "okay, now I know why a specialized spoon is designed like this. Yes, a regular spoon works 89 to 90%, but a specialized spoon... how much does it cost?" or "Okay, a muddler with cap design X will to that, but for other ingredients it would be better if the muddler cap is designed like Y to open the cells but not destroy the ingredient". But also you may be develop a better taste for quality. For example now I know every kind of orange juice and nectar here in the area and why pressed fresh is 20 times better and cheaper. Or practice my good taste with "Why I should buy blend X or Y? Plus alcohol is toxic for the body cells and I look how I can compensate that. I think it can be a very mind expanding hobby, but I only would recommend it to people which have a settled mindset. Otherwise it could be the starting point to alcoholism. Since I mix cocktails I drink less alcohol (because I see the risk - they are so tasty!), but enjoy it more.

(P.S.: Thank you for your comment & your support!)

This is awesome. Love how AI, programming and alcohol all come together as one loving post on the Blockchain!

I look forward to the experiment like "Hey ChatGPT, please create me a cocktail you never heard of".

Thank you for your comment & your support!

Don't try drinking a flaming B-52 while it's still flaming! That's real intelligence!

That doesn't sound wrong, but I would say: No! That's the thrill behind! Put in the straw and with one suck you suck all in! (6cl fits in one mouth without swallowing during sucking in.) The liquid in the straw will cool the straw down and will avoid the melting of the straw - but only when you don't hesitate. When the straw is in and you don't cool it through liquid circulation... maybe yes. (I know/prepare this drink with a big diameter straw - so not like a thin Capri Sun straw style.) Maybe better you use a straw which is not just only 2 cm longer than the glas. In the mouth (or in the straw) nothing will burn, because the alcohol is diluted sufficient & not sufficient air. Straw in & vamos! That's the thrill & the reason, when sucking in 6cl of alcohol, the name is like this: the "B-52" will deliver a bomb. Great shot as a first or last drink on a evening/night. Looks great, tastes awesome, delivers party mood. And with the fire on top it is something special.

Try it - and please tell/mention me when you did! It is very tasty too! Yes, 6cl of alcohol, but the coffee liqueur and the Baileys have a very smooth taste and compensate the harder alcohol on top (sucked in at last) very well. But you still have a feeling/breath where you realize "Oh" for a moment. lol But that's really not for to long - I don't prefer a breath like a dragon too.

100% recommendation. It is less complicated than it sounds.

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@powerpaul, I paid out 0.466 HIVE and 0.154 HBD to reward 4 comments in this discussion thread.

Nice! I've never had a Flaming B-52. I'm guessing it comes with Bacardi 151? I lived in Puerto Rico for years so I know just about all the Bacardi product lines!

Bacardi 151 could be. You are right with Over-Proof Rum. Many cocktail bars or recipes don't define this and just say "Over-Proof Rum" - for me it looks like that there is no 100% true. I assume you know how different 151 can be - "Over-Proof" means nothing about taste... And I can't say which 151 I would prefer, because I have no chance to buy 151 here (the common Bacardi 151 is not longer produced too - at least I heard this in the internet.). I produce Over-Proof stuff for fire with freeze distillation (normally with Caña Blanca). (And I thought about to write an article about.)

Thank you for your comment! Hive a great day!

Congratulations @powerpaul!
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@powerpaul, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
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