PostsCommentsosiriss in # • 8 hours agoRE: Thinking of Solace vs. the steps taken to find solace.I did it, change the hustle and bustle of the city to that of a village, and I tell you it's wonderfulosiriss in # • 8 hours agoRE: Splinterland's : Battle of forgotten cards, Really?Congratulations as alwaysosiriss in # • yesterdayRE: Splinterland's: A review of my passive earnings in game.hehehe I only have 388 spsosiriss in # • 2 days agoRE: Thinking of Solace vs. the steps taken to find solace.And I ask you, what's a consolation for you? And don't tell me having a family, because I already know that and I know you're very lucky with it, but I want you to answer me…osiriss in # • 3 days agoRE: Moonkarts: Having a FUEL market will enhance the player activity.In the end I sold everything and sold it badly, I won't try again heheosiriss in # • 4 days agoRE: Maneuvering for a better position.Good work as alwaysosiriss in # • 5 days agoRE: My Milestone of 30000 HP is now complete.Congratulations brother, I'm really happyosiriss in # • 5 days agoRE: Splinterland's: Land 1.75, Enticed me to start my land Journey.This land thing does interest me. I never understood how it worked, so I'll be paying close attention to these posts to learn more about it and probably invest in them in the…osiriss in # • 7 days agoRE: This LPUD, I have roar of LION and a 20x LION power up.For me, Leo is no longer of any interest. If you go back in time, this token used to be worth 0.4, and look how it is now.osiriss in # • 8 days agoRE: Survival Mode: Till now, it has been good for me.Let's see if they don't take my position and I take 2500 of those points to buy cards.osiriss in # • 9 days agoRE: Moonkarts : Require more players.I'm still waiting for someone to buy my car so I can buy another one.osiriss in # • 11 days agoRE: Strategy: Surviving the dip.Very well, but I always lose no matter how good my strategy is.osiriss in # • 11 days agoRE: Workplace: I wish I dared to say no.A very educational postosiriss in # • 14 days agoRE: Splinterland's : My tips to survive in Survival mode.I already played but since I lost I was left without cards, so I think I won't play this survival mode anymore.osiriss in # • 15 days agoRE: Bitcoin: Journey from Dead/scam narrative to the National Crypto reserve.Let's see if it's true and this hits the jackpot heheheheosiriss in # • 16 days agoRE: Splinterland's: Maybe the time has come for the Splinterland assets pump.I am in an arbitration program with have and dec, I will let you know how it goes later.osiriss in # • 17 days agoRE: Arcade colony: Passive ways to earn.I'll have to call you right now, Don R1s2g3, hahahahahahaosiriss in # • 18 days agoRE: My publish0x Stats and reaching 400 followers.I didn't know about this page, are there more like this?osiriss in # • 18 days agoRE: Arcade Colony: Claiming my Leaderboard rewards and adding more SCRIPT.Well I'm waiting to buy some car cards so I can play right now they are very expensiveosiriss in # • 20 days agoRE: Splinterland's : My honest review of the Survival mode.Friend, did you realize that they don't let the price go up in many tokens, one of them is the bee? It seems to me that there is manipulation behind all this.