Winter Update

in #snow13 days ago

Who ordered all of this snow?


     This winter has certainly been making up for the past couple. We've already had a lot of snow. We're currently getting a lot of snow. And we're probably going to get a lot more snow. Over the past seven days, three different snow storms have hit my area. That's about three feet of snow on top of the patio table in the photo above. My neighbor Tony helped me clear it off. I've really been trying to keep the area around the table somewhat clear of snow as I still need a place to put out food for the animals.


     Throughout this winter, I have had regular visits from the birds, squirrels and rabbits. Though the visits have been brief, they have also been more predictable. The birds are around all day. The squirrels stop by between 7:30am and 2pm. Lastly, the rabbits show up right before the sun disappears beneath the horizon.

     The birds and squirrels have been getting nuts and the bunnies have been getting blueberries and carrots.


     One thing I like about snow is how much easier it is to spot the animals around us. Animal tracks, such as these bird and squirrel tracks, can be seen all over the patio. That's about the only good thing I can say about snow at this point. Spring can't get here soon enough.

     How's your winter been?






     Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.





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We had some unusually heavy snowfall in January and were snowed in for almost a week with our car stuck in a ditch about 500 metres from the house. Thank goodness for a passing farmer who seeing our plight, used his tractor to pull it out for us.

Nice of that farmer to help out. It's great to have good neighbors.

This is the first year I can remember of my life where I have not seen any snow— I'm across the ocean where it does not snow much. Whenever I find my midwest roots feeling a bit unsettled by the lack of snow, I remind myself of things like what you pictured here. Maybe I only miss the snow in theory 😂

I also appreciate the animal tracks though, and for now the outdoor activities just cause my kiddos are young. Nothing like building a snowman and having hot cocoa! I'll be back before winter is over, so I should get to do all that just yet... AND SHOVEL 😤 lol

I really do find snow beautiful. When I'm looking at it through a window sipping something hot. 😁