Hello friends
Meet me again.
This time my family and I took my younger sibling back to his current workplace, which is in the city of Surabaya.
Hi, I'm originally from North Aceh.
His younger sibling took a plane departure at 14.00
Incidentally, the airport that was taken was at Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport, Great Aceh.
Where the distance from my house is very far, it takes approximately 5 hours on the journey. Therefore, my family and I left home at 06.40 WIB and we arrived in Aceh Besar at 11.00
Alhamdulillah the journey was filled with beautiful scenery and we arrived quickly, so we decided to eat as a family first.
This is our lunch menu this time at cut beet, aceh besar.
After finishing eating, my family and I immediately took my brother to the airport.
And goodbye
See you in a few months
Be well there
Keep up the good work my little brother