Monomad: Richardson's Ground Squirrel Close Up

These are one of my favorite little critters to encounter in the wild. When you see lots of holes in the ground and here the high-pitched squeek, you know they are close. Richardson's Ground Squirrels are great communicators and can share complex info about threats and the presence of people with these little squeeks.

They are curious as well; if you wait patiently, they might even look like they want to come out and approach you if they don't feel like you're a threat. They can also be elusive if they so desire, ducking there heads up and down before appearing again a few seconds later in another whole as they navigate their complex tunnel system.


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Curated by brumest

Ohhh!!! 😍 how cute !!!!

Squirrels are one of your favorites in nature, and for me they must be a tenderness to watch them in their environment, running, squeaking, feeding 🤗.

What beautiful images, 👏👏 if you can post them in color photos to see them 🤩🤩!!!!

Cheers @mmckinneyphoto13 and happy day to you !!! 😊🙏🏻