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I'm glad I've known this Singkas Festival through your blog. I found it so historical and I wish to experience it in the future. Thanks for sharing this one.

 7 days ago Reveal Comment

Oh, really hehe I only heard this just now, that there is singkamas festival, wow, applaused to the Government for bringing and highlighting singkamas to the universe. Thank you for sharing this, I mesmerized your place.

 7 days ago Reveal Comment

Thank you , you noticed me. Yes, I really admired the government in your place, hope soon hehe I will experience that amazing festival.

You just take me to the festival. The smiles and happy faces of the performances made me happy. The festival is full of joy. I love singkamas with salt and a little vinegar. So mouth-watering. Thank you for sharing 😊

 7 days ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Festivals are one of the beautiful ways to showcase the products, customs and traditions of a particular place. It also boosts the tourism and economic activities of that region. Furthermore, local people and vendors are given the chance to improve their livelihood and their products may be recognized too. Hopefully, unity among the townsfolk transcends throughout the year, and not only during special celebrations.

 7 days ago Reveal Comment

This is one of the things that make Philippines special! We have a lot of festivals in our country, like in all places. We tend to celebrate different kinds of festivals as a way to showcase our culture. What a lovely event! Thank you for sharing this!

 7 days ago Reveal Comment

I love parades! Everything in that picture is so vibrant. Yes festivals here in the Philippines celebrates not only patrons or founding of a certain town or province but it is also a testament to the life and history resilience of the people throughout the ages living in that community. I love the sense of belonging there the inclusion of everyone old or young. I fervently pray that traditions such as this will not be uprooted from us. It is up to our next generation to keep it alive and burning.

 6 days ago Reveal Comment

It is part of the culture every community, town, city, or province possess and shows pride through festival. Derived mostly from ancestral beliefs. This annual event just like christmas gathers the community through culture, sports and music. Hope our town can have this event in the near future ❣️

 6 days ago Reveal Comment