I got a imbalanced issue with my production and currently strategizing to make it balanced. I currently have 10 plots but broken into two different regions split 5 plots each. My trouble comes from lack of grain production on one set of plots while another over producing grains. To minimize the 10% transfer fee I have decided to shift my totems to the deficit grain production plots. Here is where I currently stand.
I am a little under 200 grains per hour deficit with these five plots. My artifact slot has been taken by both land plots that is producing grain. Now I can go purchase a title to boost my yield or swap cards to increase PP.
The cheapest title still cost close to 31k DEC which would take me close to half a year to produce in terms of grains transfer to DEC. I then looked at card swapping.
I am hesitant to swap out cards immediately due in part it takes 3 days cooldown. The other thought is to swap out sps production and rely more on grain but that is 5 days cooldown and repurpose land production.
There are a lot to improve for monster selections, but at the same time I need cards to stay active in brawls. My best adjustments according to peakmonster is as follows:
Card swapping is not ideal right where I currently stand as I am only producing a little more for staking more active cards and DEC. The market for PP cards are drying up too as I searched for reward cards. The other option is to swap cards between my land plots which is going to my approach. It may not be the best but it will at least reduce the deficit.
Now both my plots producing grain have fire and death with 10% bonus. To leverage this I will be swapping out cards that have higher PP on my other plots.
It drops my grain production down for 3 days but at least I will be able to move worker 4 and 5 into my deficit plots later.
This post illustrates how complicated and hairy it can get with playing land plots. I can reduce production in some plots to increase others just so that I avoid paying too much in grain taxes. On top of all that make sure to have sufficient cards to continue competing in rank battles. Talk about balancing play.
Until next time thanks for reading!!!

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:
If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!