[Eng-Esp].The double face of big industries, reflections of a Gamer./ La doble cara de las grandes industrias, reflexiones de un jugador.

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

Hello, dear friends of #HiveGaming! Today, I bring you a game that has been on everyone’s lips lately. I’m talking about Red Dead Redemption Part 1, the acclaimed western-style game from Rockstar Games.

But this time, I’ll show you the original version, the PS3 one, so you can get an idea of how it looks.

Hola ,queridos amigos de #hivegaming hoy les traigo un juego que ha estado en la boca de muchos últimamente, les hablo de Red dead Redemption parte 1 el aclamado juego estilo western de Rockstar games
Pero en esta ocacion les traere el original, el de ps3 para que se hagan una idea de como se ve.

Undead Nightmare is the additional content for this game. It’s usually downloadable content or comes included in the same game, but that’s not my case. I have a disc that exclusively contains the DLC, and it’s just install and play.

Pesadilla de los no muertos es el contenido adicional de este juego, por lo general suele ser contenido descargable o venir incluido en el mismo juego pero no es mi caso, yo cuento con un disco que contiene exclusivamente el dlc de este juego y es solo instalar y jugar.

Back in the day, I played this game a lot. This time, I’m making this post for a friend who told me that the PC version of the game looks amazing, giving it features that, in my opinion, don’t really add up.

I thought it was great that, after so much time, they finally released this game for PC users, but the difference isn’t much compared to its PS3 version.

En su momento jugue muchísimo este juego, en esta ocasión realizo este post por un amigo que me decia que el juego que lanzaron para pc se veia super brutal y dandole características que a mi parecer pos no vienen a cuentas.

Me parecio super genial que después de tanto tiempo sacaran este juego a los usuarios de pc pero la diferencia no es mucha con respecto a su version ps3.

Visually, this is one of the best-looking games on PS3, and its new PC version looks exactly the same, which I found amazing since they didn’t change anything about the game itself.

Visualmente este es uno de los juegos de ps3 que mejor se ve y su nueva versión de Pc luce exactamente igual algo que me parecio maravilloso, ya que no cambiaron absolutamente nada de lo que al juego como tal se refiere.

A few weeks ago, someone in the community mentioned that the price of this game was high, and it’s true that for a current game, a price of 50 euros is standard. But we’re talking about a game that was released 14 years ago, which seems a bit excessive to me. Sure, Rockstar is known for being pricey, and yes, the game is worth paying for, but still.

Hace unas semanas alguien aqui en la comunidad mencionaba que el valor de este juego era elevado, y no es menos cierto que para un juego actual el valor de 50 euros es un precio estandar , pero hablamos de un juego que se extreno hace 14 años, esto me parece un poco abusivo, y vale que si, que si rockstar es caro que si tal , que si el juego merece la pena pagarlo.

Undoubtedly, this is a great title and it’s always worth playing something like this, but that doesn’t change what the big industries are doing. (They've always done it in some way, but lately, they’ve been much more obvious about it.) They’re using fans and consumers indiscriminately, and the problem is that with the tolerance they find along the way, everything starts to transform.

Indiscutiblemente este es un gran título y siempre vale la pena jugar algo asi, pero no quita lo que estan haciendo las grandes industrias,(siempre lo han hecho de alguna manera, pero últimamente andan a la cara) utilizar a los fans a los consumidores de una manera indiscriminada y el problema que ante esa tolerancia que encuentran a su paso todo se va transformando.

This post wasn’t originally meant to be about this, but I needed to let it out. It really frustrates me to see how some users agree with these somewhat abusive practices and are satisfied with the shamelessness that’s going on.

Este post en un principio no iba a ir de esto pero necesitaba dejarlo salir, es que me enfada mucho ver como algunos usuarios estan de acuerdo con estas practicas un poco abusivas y estan satisfechos con la desfachates andante .

Well, I’ll say goodbye for now and leave you with these words from a gamer who needed to express himself, haha!
I hope you at least enjoy the game captures, and if you're playing it, feel free to leave your opinions in the comments.

Bueno ya me despido de ustedes y les dejos estas palabras de un gamer que necesitaba expresarse jajajaja
Espero al menos disfruten las capturas del juego y si lo estan jugando dejen por comentarios sus opiniones.


The senerior of this game wanna look like those cowboy ranch in the far country side. I love the scene it looks lonely and epic

I agree, it is overpriced for being this old of a game. Did you ever get to play RDR2? I am waiting to upgrade my PC before I get my hands on it. Might have to wait a bit longer.

I’m waiting to buy a new PC now for New Year since the one I had died. Although I’ve taken a quick look at the game at a friend’s house, it’s not the same, you know?


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It is incredible how these companies take advantage of putting the price they want, there are no regulations, there is no security for users, if they want they can remove the game or delete it from the store and you can not play it anymore.
They really need a regulation but there is no indication that something like this will happen in the short term, at some point they will realize that we are the ones who feed them and sustain their business, it has already happened a bit that indie games demonstrate the excellent work that a person or group can do and that's where we wonder how such a big company can not do the same and even better?

I completely agree, we as users are the ones who give life to these big monopolies. The small developers know this and use it to their advantage to attract an audience with releases that are often surprising. But the big companies are already established and think we’ll just swallow everything they release without question.

But well, I hope this improves. We can already see the results in Ubisoft, which has declined a lot. It went from being one of my favorite companies to having a certain level of rejection.