Greetings fellow hive gardeners,
I hope everyone of us are doing great. It’s been a while since I last update my garden here and today I’m gonna show you the latest update.
Time flies really fast just after February and it seems that March is just a few blinks away. Until this month there has been no change in my garden. I've lost a lot since I wasn't as focused on the garden since I worked far away. However, I'm doing better to take care of what's left, especially since our house, which was repaired since the height of the typhoon, will be finished soon 🙏. It just took a while because life is very difficult so it's really progressing slowly and I'm excited to share it with you maybe in my next content.
By the way, before if I used to take care of different kinds of vegetables, now I just focus on the ones that don’t need too much care because of the limited time I have at home. Just like my spinach, last November when I bought some bunches of spinach at the market for cooking and I thought of planting some of them in the back of the house which I also shred with you here. That time it was already rainy season so I don’t have to worry of watering them. Just two months after looking back at them I noticed that they grown. My father-in-law said that they already picked the first harvest and used it in making some native viand soup with we call it “utan law-uy”.
Just a few descriptions of “utan law-uy” is made of all green leafy vegetables which the mean ingredients is “moringa” it sometimes cook with left over fried fish or sometime dried first. After my first check I then decided to harvesting some and made some soup from it. I picked some of “moringa” leaves and visited my neighbors sweet patato garden to pick some sweet patato tops for additional ingredients and have some of our leftover eggplant from the fridge.
As of Today March 4th when I came see them before leaving back to work. I was surprised seeing them grown like crazy after four time of harvest. This is what make spinach great to plant, the more they were harvested the stem will continue to grow more.
So far, the only thing that makes me sad about them being so healthy is that they have outgrown my ornamental plants. So the next time I come home, I might move the others so that they won't be disturbed by the expanding spinach. I will also be thinking in advance what other recipe I might cook for them.
And that's all for now. In the coming days, I will try to take the time to add other vegetables because it feels so good to harvest your hard earned food.
Let's all be careful and happy gardening!💛💚🧡