Hello, my hive friends, Happy Saturday! Today has been an atypical Saturday, because normally I take these days to clean, organize, go out to buy what is needed in the house, catch up with everything I have behind, but this time I decided to stay resting. And, of course, I couldn't let the week end without posting my answers to the questions asked this week by the LADIES.
¿Crees en tener una rutina estructurada o un enfoque más espontáneo de la vida?
Do you believe in having a structured routine or a more spontaneous approach to life?
Sin duda alguna, soy de las que lleva la vida mucho más estructurada. Soy una persona bastante organizada y planificada, que todo lo tengo anotado en mi agenda, con prioridades, cosas importantes o urgentes, trato siempre de tener un plan para lo que sucede, sin embargo, es necesario resaltar que tengo muy claro que no tengo el control de la mayoría de las cosas, lo planeado muchas veces no sale como yo quiero, y está bien.
Undoubtedly, I am one of those who leads a much more structured life. I am a very organized and planned person, I have everything written down in my agenda, with priorities, important or urgent things, I always try to have a plan for what happens, however, it is necessary to emphasize that I have very clear that I am not in control of most things, what is planned many times does not go as I want, and that's okay.
La espontaneidad de la vida también me gusta, las cosas que surgen sin plan, solo se dan porque sí, y lo disfruto demasiado cuando ocurre de esa manera, mi esposo sin duda es de ese grupo de personas que deja las cosas a que la vida lo sorprenda, a mi me gustaría ser así, pero entendí que mi ritmo de vida, mi manera de pensar y las cosas que me propongo requieren que yo sea organizada y planificada, empezando por el trabajo que tengo, es decir, todo me ha llevado a forjarme de esa manera, y no siento que sea algo malo, siempre y cuando no sea excesivo.
I also like the spontaneity of life, the things that arise without a plan, they just happen, and I enjoy it too much when it happens that way, my husband is certainly of that group of people who leaves things to life to surprise him, I would like to be like that, but I understood that my rhythm of life, my way of thinking and the things I propose to myself require me to be organized and planned, starting with the job I have, that is, everything has led me to forge myself that way, and I don't feel that it is a bad thing, as long as it is not excessive.
Desde hace tiempo mantengo un equilibrio, dejando espacio a que la vida me sorprenda y disfrutar del presente, planifico, pero también me adapto rápido a los cambios y entiendo que, lo mejor es siempre lo que pasa, sin importar que yo quiera lograr algo, si no sucede, es por algo, y ese algo siempre lo acepto con paz, calma y tranquilidad.
For some time now I have maintained a balance, leaving space for life to surprise me and enjoy the present, I plan, but I also adapt quickly to changes and understand that the best thing is always what happens, no matter if I want to achieve something, if it does not happen, it is for something, and that something I always accept it with peace, calm and tranquility.
Con amor, Julli
With love Julli.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi 12
All photos are my own, taken with my redmi 12
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