All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.

Sandra was under immense stress, her husband lost his job and they have a child whom is on long term medication due to a rare disease. With this going on for months, she saw how their savings have depleted tremendously and she knew whatever that have left can only last them at most for another month.
Ever since her husband lost his job, while he tried to find a new job, he had been unsuccessful. And to make matters worse, that feeling of being unsuccessful made him started drinking which adds on to the financial burden in the family.
Sandra was at her wits end and not sure how to live on with the situation that she is going through now. She wakes up everyday with that sinking feeling and even hope she didn't have to wake up to face the reality of life. Her only source of energy to live on is her child. She changed into fresh clothes and headed to church to seek help from her pastor. From there, they manage to quickly arrange for job opportunity for Sandra's husband to get things moving at least with even an advancement of salary to ensure everything stayed afloat.
Sandra was really thankful that she managed to get help to tide over and now everything is back to normal.