All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.

After going through set back after set back, George didn't know how he can ever get to find a girlfriend. He had been joining many social networking and even a number of deliberate matchmaking sessions. But up till today, there was absolutely no success, every potential one that he thought that spark will happen just ended up to nothing. This lack of success shook his confidence big time and he totally lost courage to even go for another session.
His buddy knew of his current situation and encouraged him to not give up. He told George that there will be someone out there waiting for him and that the harder he try, the better the match. For those whom discredit him right from the start, those are definitely not worthy for him and it could be worse if they proceed further. George thank his buddy for his words and mustered his courage to attend another session.
And right in that session, George manage to hit it out well with another lady and from there they progressed so smoothly and finally tied the knot one year later. George was really thankful for his buddy whom gave him that encouragement.