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In order to be better equipped for the future, it had been aligned from top down level that all employees of the company need to attend minimally the elementary and intermediate Co-Pilot class that is conducted by in-house trainers throughout the year.
This initiative is to ensure that every employee will be able to use Co-Pilot for basic functions of work and to speed up time spent on doing mundane task which can be automated through giving the right prompts and commands to Co-Pilot to help generate a sequence or a script for better productivity. And with many functions of AI on the generative front going on strong, not being equipped will end up losing out to others and when that happens, it will be even tougher to recover.
The various classes conducted had conepts, hands on and also a discussion at the end of the class where queries, ideas can be shared and discussed. With this equipping in place, it had opened a path for the employees to be ready for any new changes and embracing AI technology.