All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.

Joseph's favourite past time when he is bored is to take a disposable ear brush, put it into his ears and started digging for ear wax. He always share to his friends that doing this is such a satisfying activity and one will feel channels all cleared up after completing the ear wax clearing.
However, using such ear brush to clear the ears is actually a very dangerous act and if not done properly, will leave to deafness. And it was till one faithful day that Joseph felt pain in his ears that he realize something is wrong and he had to see the doctor.
Upon checking, the doctor found cotton bits in his ears and they looked to be causing inflammation which is why Joseph is feeling the pain.
He warned Joseph never to use those ear brush as they will leave foreign materials in the ears which can act up and if not digging properly, the ear drum might be affected which in both situation can lead to partial or complete deafness. Joseph was really scared and when he reached home, he threw all the ear brush that he had at home and will never ever pick one up again.