OPPORTUNITY IS EVERYTHING || When Chance & Time Collide

in Cent11 days ago

Today I had a very deep and meaningful conversation with a new friend, and I really have to pour my heart out like I'm pitching myself like a product that is needed to be sold due to its authenticity and credibility.....

It's very hard to convince someone to buy an idea of what they aren't sure of, especially when there are no real facts attached, ....i recall one certain day i was out marketing my book at our university's matriculation ceremony for the freshmen, a man looked at me and said are you the one who wrote this book, when i said yes they just began laughing and saying something inaudibly , but I knew what that means, you don't look like someone who wrote this, if so then why are you not reflecting what's written.

In another scenerio my mentor once called me and said, Are you sure you wrote what's in this book I nodded yet, with a look of disbelief in his eyes, I knew why those looks were there, truly I never looked like the one who wrote those words.

The thing is I knew my destiny right from when i understand me, I knew what was laid ahead and all there is to be me later in life, so its like I got a vision, went ahead of time to get all those basic principles that is required to make a successful man, but then I don't look like what I'm writing in my book even though I'm suppose to manifest the things there in, which is why i was having the conversation with a friend which I talked about earlier, which makes all hard for me talking to someone about a possibility that's sounds like a mirage.


I told my friend I knew exactly what I need to do to be where I'm supposed to be in life, cause all these while I feel like I'm 10years behind the real me, which is making things all look confusing like I'm living in two worlds, I'm living in the future and in the present, so i see my life ten years from now, I know everything I need now to apparently be the person I currently I'm in the future, but then the necessary means, resources, tools are far-fetch, so i live with this illusion that reality is far from my reach.

This is also the basic Problem I see in our society, there are so many talented, well endowed humans everywhere but the truth is without the necessary help and support From those who are way ahead it will become a wasted purpose, I have a mantra that says no body is a fool, somehow everyone knows what's best for them, no man is greater than another it's the factor of chance and time that makes the difference.

Opportunity is everything in life, I have seen the very poor man turn a millionaire in less than 24 hours, I have seen someone who did or knew very little about what it takes rise from zero to becoming a hero, the best way to define opportunity is when time and Chances collide, we can say chance are the opportunity while time are the period it requires to put In effort, trying to push in, till the available chances collides, then success is birthed ..

So i told my friend today that all I need now are the means, the tools the resources to put things together and fast track my time to the future were i truly live now...

@Hiventhusiast thanking you for your time and attention every upvotes reblog and comments are very much appreciated


Interesting read.
I do have a different perspective to this especially on:

So i told my friend today that all I need now are the means, the tools the resources to put things together and fast track my time to the future were i truly live now...

I got an amazing friend like this, where the village elders gave him 100 hectares of land near Benin City to start his palm plantation. (So he was given this opportunity) now he is asking everyone to provide him resources and tools to start the project. (Again with the same motto - “I need the opportunity..”) we are now 6 years in - and not that much has happened.

My take on this, is that he is not creating opportunity for himself - but rather expects others to create that for him.

The alternative approach would be if someone starts with a small area way less than my friend was given. Invites the villagers to do cross cropping on the land if they would help out on the land a bit. When the first income comes, you expand and build.

If people take responsability for they own success they don’t need others to rely on to make it happen. Opportunities are created and the process of building it brick by brick is so much more worth than getting it presented.

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Thank you very much @rainbowdash4l for this amazing input, seriously your friend got more than an opportunity, that was a break through for him, First of all palm oil is a very lucrative business that sets one for life, he was given a goldmine but because his mind is so myopic he could not see what's in it, 100hectres?.... c'ommon na, was he expecting the elders to give him everything and this is same reason why a lot of people will keep repeating same mistakes...

For instance what happened to the aquafina guy! Do you know he went broke again, mismanaged the funds that was given to him, after the company set him up, gave him literally everything to run the business, however it's a different case scenerio from my stand point,... Right now I'm barely making the most of hive cause of my device very outdated old phone, so i can't access a lot on hive, like I know the potential that is here on hive if I want to make $50 in a month I understand the strategy which I have made up my mind to, I've been here at least four years now, so if I am able to get a support atleast just a good phone so I can operate optimally, so im ready now I'm seeking for opportunities, it's different from someone who isn't ready have no clue but then they are given a goldmine definitely they won't appreciate it like someone who actually knew the true essence of it.

Your reaction reminds me a great deal of him.
You might benefit from trying to reflect not only how his situation is different from yours but also how it is the same.

The advice you would give someone else (for example my friend) could then be useful for own situation … (for example .. would that tractor / drainage system / new phone really make all the difference or is it something else that makes others in the same position succeed?)

Good luck! Above is intended as a motivator as I hope you can find it in yourself what is needed to succeed!

All the same perspective differs tho, the point is any one who wants to succeed will harness any and all available resources at his or disposal to do, one thing is to become successful isn't just done easy task, so any available opportunity or chances probably offered by anyone will be seen as a great stepping stone to a greater height ...

Thanks so much for taking you time to air your thoughts on these, really appreciate you coming this far