Hello photo lovers.
Last morning was incredible moody with a thick layer of fog hanging around. It stayed foggy the whole morning. And we needed a "mental health walk" at the end of the day. So lucky me that I life next to the forest.
This is the forest of the city of Drieberen-Zeist on the Utrechtse heuvelrug national park.
It's feels like a real privilege that I am able to life here.
These part of the forest are not natural once. They look very nice and wild but all the trees are planted over the years. This is a production forest but they do their best to look as natural as they can. The past weeks the had to do "maintenance" in the forest. Well that's what they call it is. It's most of all production of wood. And bg [arts pf the forest look like there was a tornado in there.
Well, at least our doggy had more space to do poopies.
Do you know how many years was this tree was? i am not really sure witch rings I need to count.
They drove trough the forest with big machines and they didn't pay enough attention on their surroundings. They have run over this little tree. Sad that he will not survive this slaughter.
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