My father was a very humble man, with a good heart and an immense faith in God. He taught me that it is necessary to help others, to be kind and caring because we will not take anything we have with us when we die, so we must share with those who have less than us because in some way we are bringing happiness and that makes us happy too. Dad, I believed a lot in God and he taught me to believe, pray and love him. Thanks to him, today I maintain that close connection between prayer and faith that fills me with strength and wisdom to live life.
Papá era amante de la lectura, pasaba el día con el periódico en mano, sabía de muchos temas y le gustaba reflexionar acerca de ello con nosotros, sus hijos, pero era una manera de que comprendiéramos la lectura. Cada día me sentaba a su lado a leer juntos, esa es la razón por la que amo leer, gracias a mi padre, quien sembró esa semilla en mí. También me motivo a tener ahorros, siempre me daba dinero y cuando tuve edad para abrir cuenta bancaria, me llevó y abrimos una cuenta mancomunada, la cual me enseñó a manejar, invertir y ahorrar.
Dad was a lover of reading, he spent the day with the newspaper in hand, he knew about many subjects and liked to reflect about it with us, his children, but it was a way for us to understand reading. Every day I would sit next to him and read together, that is the reason why I love to read, thanks to my father, who planted that seed in me. He also motivated me to have savings, he always gave me money and when I was old enough to open a bank account, he took me and we opened a joint account, which he taught me to manage, invest and save.
Mi madre fue una mujer con un don especial, sus manos, con ellas creaba cualquier cosa que se le ocurriera. Recuerdo que un vecino estaba a punto de cambiar los cauchos de auto y ella, antes de que los llevase a la basura, se los pidió, pues con ellos elaboró unos hermosos y llamativos materos con forma de cisnes; y así como eso, muchas cosas más. Ella me enseñó el arte de las manualidades, me enseñó a sacarle provecho a todo lo que pudiera crear con mis manos y así ha sido hasta ahora. Gracias a sus enseñanzas he logrado emprender haciendo pantuflas, sabanas, juegos de baños, crochet y todo lo relacionado con las manualidades.
My mother was a woman with a special gift, her hands, with them she created anything she could think of. I remember that a neighbor was about to change the tires of his car and she, before he took them to the garbage, asked her for them, because with them she made beautiful and eye-catching materos in the shape of swans; and just like that, many other things. She taught me the art of handicrafts, she taught me to take advantage of everything I could create with my hands and that's how it has been until now. Thanks to her teachings I have managed to start making slippers, sheets, bath sets, crochet and everything related to crafts.
Mi madre era una escritora silenciosa, escribía en su intimidad, a solas y en silencio. Le encantaba crear historias a través de sus escritos, algo que nunca compartió con nadie y lo supimos luego de su muerte, cuando revisamos entre sus cosas y encontramos sus cuadernos con sus escritos. Ese es otro don que herede de mi madre, aunque nunca me enseñó cómo expresarme a través de la escritura y crear historias, es algo que está en mí y segura estoy de que lo saque de ella.
My mother was a silent writer, she wrote in her intimacy, alone and in silence. She loved to create stories through her writings, something she never shared with anyone and we found out after her death, when we went through her things and found her notebooks with her writings. That is another gift I inherited from my mother, although she never taught me how to express myself through writing and creating stories, it is something that is in me and I am sure I got it from her.
Hoy, gracias a mis padres, soy una mujer feliz por el amor con el que me criaron y me formaron, por todas sus enseñanzas, las que me han servido de mucho para vivir y crecer como ser humano. No hay regalo más hermoso y valioso que el haber tenido a mis padres.
Today, thanks to my parents, I am a happy woman for the love with which they raised me and formed me, for all their teachings, which have helped me a lot to live and grow as a human being. There is no more beautiful and valuable gift than to have had my parents.
Contenido 100% original de @giocondina / 100% original content from @giocondina
Todas las fotografías de esta publicación son completamente de mi propiedad/All photographs in this publication are entirely my property.
Los separadores de texto son completamente de mi propiedad, creados en el programa vector Inkscape/The text separators are completely my own, created in the vector program Inkscape.
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