I question how much people can claim certain moves in certain news. Bitcoin does what it always does. It makes new ATH than goes down 33%. I know some thought that would change but it’s just the norm. I’m all in buying weekly here. Though as much as u know bitcoin will be far higher long term , I do believe the maxis talking about 10X from here this cycle are outta there minds. I’d guess 150K spike in fall is top. Last time 2017 top to 2021 top was 3.5 X move. The cycle prior $1200 to 20K so 17X. 2013 much more and u get it. As something doubled and grows it’s harder to repeat growth % wise. Bitcoin will be a million but not anytime soon. I’d guess in a decade or 12 years.
I'm just kind of along for the ride. I actually care more about alts that I do about BTC. I hardly hold any of that so it is quite irrelevant to me.
I would be shocked if even 1% or 2% of the alts touch 2021 highs. they’ll be pumps along way but it looks to me alts will heavily underperform bitcoin from 2021 top or 2022 bottom here on out. A couple will outta the many for periods but I don’t think this cycle will be anything like 2021 where just everything go up. Just seems to me many have been exposed. The fact ETH is underperforming BTC by at least 75% from last cycle top or bottom says a lot. I don’t see any chance it catches up. Some tiny cap alts can given it’s easier to go 20X when something has a tiny market cap but the days of the big top alts outperforming look done to me. Barring a 1 outta 25 exception.
Guess it's a good thing I have a full time job then... I'm not giving up on ETH. I picked some more up just last night.