PostsCommentsgeneeverett in # • yesterdayRE: Weekly HSBI and DUO Token Giveaway, Week 54!!PIMPgeneeverett in # • yesterdayRE: Weekly HSBI and DUO Token Giveaway, Week 54!Im going old school nostalgia and going with my favorite as a kid. Old school original Zelda 👍geneeverett in # • 4 days agoJumping offline but will be reading this post in a bit later tonight 😃 Here’s a bonus for using the tag! 🏷️ Oh never mind u didn’t use the tag 😔. Oh well I already paid…geneeverett in # • 7 days agoRE: The Weekly BITCOIN Guessing Game$69,333.00geneeverett in #threetunetuesday • 7 days agoThat brings back memories! Reading rainbow! I keep missing ur posts. Just a suggestion, Use the tag #ThreeTuneTuesday to avoid not coming up when searched under main tag🎸👍geneeverett in # • 9 days agoRE: Weekly HSBI and DUO Token Giveaway, Week 53!Test only…I’m not sure what I got. !BBH !PIZZA !LOL !ALIVE !POBgeneeverett in # • 9 days agoRE: Weekly HSBI and DUO Token Giveaway, Week 53!Favorite tip token? I guess !PIMP would be it. But someone just sent me CCD which I’m not familiar with. What’s it stand for? Central City Dump? 🤣 !LOL just kidding!geneeverett in # • 11 days agoRE: Nineties Friday Kicking Off with Some Silver Beavis and Butt-HeadNow that’s a Nineties packed !PIMP post! 🎸💿geneeverett in # • 11 days agoRE: Big Big MovesOh man I didn’t realize u stacked ETH. I wish u good luck my friend!geneeverett in # • 11 days agoI would be shocked if even 1% or 2% of the alts touch 2021 highs. they’ll be pumps along way but it looks to me alts will heavily underperform bitcoin from 2021 top or 2022…geneeverett in # • 11 days agoRE: Big Big MovesI question how much people can claim certain moves in certain news. Bitcoin does what it always does. It makes new ATH than goes down 33%. I know some thought that would…geneeverett in # • 11 days agoRE: The Rare Moments I Become A GhostIsn’t this considered Spam? Ur just leaving same comment on every post 🙄geneeverett in #hive-167922 • 14 days agoGood to see these goals posts! I never used to track much outside HP & HBD. But there’s good fun in stacking a few tribe tokens also indeed! It makes Hive more interesting. My…geneeverett in # • 16 days agoI Am In! 🙃 Hmmm prolly Ninja Turtle action figures or X-Men Action figures! I’ll just say my action figure collection overall! Gotta add in Thunder Cats too! Side note! I wonder if evgeneeverett in # • 16 days agoRE: The next Berkshire Hathaway and Fountain Pen InksPost showing up blank on Hive.Blog 🤔 I’ll head over to PeakD but man this is been issue for months. !PIMPgeneeverett in # • 21 days ago!LOLZgeneeverett in # • 24 days agoRE: Splinterland's: I am feeling lucky in the game today.This account writes “Nice Post” as every comment & is a pure spammer. He’s been warned and continues to do so. Just a heads up.geneeverett in # • 28 days agoRE: That's Not My Name!I often regret using my name. Irs a bit late to switch to another account but I’ve thought about it! Nice classics times today! Hey u ever hear this album? Totally off topic but it’s thegeneeverett in #economy • 28 days agoRE: Now Trump wants to impose tariffs on countries that have VATNot to mention I'm pretty sure he copy & pasted this whole post.geneeverett in # • 28 days agoRE: Now Trump wants to impose tariffs on countries that have VATTell your leaders to drop the barriers already on US goods. Than it’s even and zero.