Wow! It's Round 300 of this very popular contest, the Show Me A Shadow or SMASh, hosted by @melinda010100. I told myself I wasn't going to miss this Round for the world yet here I am, desperately trying to submit my entry before closing time. Time passes so quickly for the busy ones and the next thing you know it, time's almost up. Well almost, as I think I still have a little time left. So check out this fun challenge and read about it here. You won't regret it, I promise.
Two years ago I saw this crawler at the kitchen window and actually nearly jumped out of surprise. Luckily, the window was screened and it just stayed by the ledge. I hastened to take pictures of it, hoping it wouldn't just leave yet out of boredom. But he stayed immobile for the longest time and these are a couple of the best I captured.
I thought it was a gecko but my son said it was a skink and so I looked it up.
The emerald tree skink is sometimes known as green tree skink or emerald green skink. It is a non-threatened species which is not commonly seen, but it is becoming more popular in the exotic pet trade. In the Philippines, it is called Tabili in the Cebuano language. Wikipedia
That was the last I saw of it until about a year and a few months later, when it decided to check out our kitchen window ledge again. This time it was facing towards me and the mid afternoon sun was shining directly on it. I was able to get only one shot off but I was happy with it. I thought I'd write a post about it in the Amazing Nature Community but didn't get around to doing it.
Luckily so. As I was desperately searching tonight for a shadow photo to enter at the 11th hour of this Round, I chanced upon this photo and noticed it had a shadow! What a stroke of luck! And finally, I have my entry. So happy to have made it to this historic round! Here it is.
The photo above is my entry to Round 300.
And that's it folks. Best of luck to all the participants. Stay safe and may you have a blessed upcoming weekend.
(All photos are mine.)