Something to Talk About

in LeoFinance9 days ago


I've never really had a social media addiction and am grateful for it. I've always been sort of introverted in that regard as I like to keep vast parts of my life away from Public view, so luckily the Social media craze of the 2010s didn't rope me in. However, if I do reflect on the sheer amount of time I have spent overall on social media since 2010 (or so), it is mind boggling and continues to be so till this day.

The truth is that whether we call ourselves addicts or not, the prevalence of social media through our social sphere globally has been hard to put off. It is right in your face even when you don't actively look for it, and the fallout is that it has been widely integrated as part of everyday life. We turn to Social media in one form or the other to communicate, express, or get information in today's society.

However, for the most parts it appears like we're not fully in control of the media space and all it has to offer. This is even more evident when we look at just how much big media narratives have shaped our social space over the years. We're constantly fed thought patterns and agitation points that for some it becomes a constantly state of being triggered with little justification.

My point is that we must be humble enough to understand the times we're in. Merely stumbling unaware in an era where attention is being sought like currency can be a recipie for disaster. It's a battle and we must fight just as hard to control the narrative just as much as we are bombarded with attention.


Absolutely, your perspective is spot on! It's like we're all in a digital circus, juggling information and trying not to get dizzy. Kudos for maintaining your introverted sanctuary and recognizing the sneaky ways social media creeps into our lives. Let's keep our wits sharp and our screens at bay! 🌐🛡️