Subfamily Phaneropterinae

in Nature Observer10 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Subfamily Phaneropterinae 21 feb 2025Central Aceh ,Bireuen, Indonesia

Hello friends, all who are always active in this beloved community, back with me as usual. I hope everyone is always healthy and always successful and can also do activities smoothly.

on this happy occasion I want to share some photographic images in this beloved community about insects or called green crickets.

I found the insect in front of my house when I was sitting relaxing so I saw the number perched on the wall.

so I decided to take some pictures to share in this community. Okay, maybe that's all a short story in making sure I do this, hopefully you all are entertained and like it. So let's see some of the pictures I've taken below.

Camera usedHandphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographySubfamily Phaneropterinae

Link to originalcommunity
