We can't blame technology and science for the deeds of humans

in Hive Learners13 days ago

Back in the days when my mum cooked rice and we could not finish it and leave it till the next day, we could still eat the food without warming it because it still looked fresh and eatable... Same with other foods like spag, and Eba, and the only thing that makes beans different is that if you cook it this night, you must not touch it or it will become sour the next day.


Things are different now, I started to notice this last year, I cooked rice and ate small that night planning to eat the rest in the morning but was shocked at what I saw in the pot the next day, spoilt rice. the rice has become soggy with a foul smell and you do not need anyone to tell you that is no longer eatable, how do we go from eating the next day's rice to having to finish the rice for fear of it getting spoilt within a few hours.

I also remember back then that, Eba would last for 6 to 7 days before it started foaming and showing that whitish stuff but now, it doesn't even take 3 days before you start seeing the whitish stuff, literally all the food we are consuming now is bad!

I thought probably it was my area and decided to bring up the conversation in a group chat to hear others' experiences on the matter, it was a general issue and one of the people in the group said it is a result of farmers using chemicals to grow the crops for fast germination and harvest and if this is true, it means we are literally consuming chemicals, they are feeding us slow poison yet we have no choice because we must eat to survive, it is either we eat and die in 50 years or refuse to eat the slow poison and die faster of hunger.


Our forefathers lasted many years on earth with some reaching 150 to 200 years, they consumed more natural foods and didn't use chemicals to grow their crops, they ate a lot of bushmeat and other nourished food... Now I fear for our Gen Z and Gen Alpha who keep consuming junk, soda, and food processing with chemicals, I doubt we are going to live that long like our grandparents.

Are we going to blame technology for the new changes? No! This is the work of greedy and evil people who want to make fast money, they do not care about the consumer's health, I had never heard that ground pepper changes color until recently, almost everything we are consuming now is being mixed with one thing or the other, we are no longer safe health-wise.

Technology made life easier, it makes farming easier instead of using hoes to make ridges, we can now use tractor-mounted ridge so the adding of chemicals that cause food spoilage is on those using the chemicals because they must have gotten feedback and know what they are using is bad but they didn't stop for their selfish reasons.

Just call me Burl.
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Only Love can heal a broken Heart


I cooked rice the other day and before I woke up it was completely spoilt. I stood there for 10 minutes and wondered what I did wrong. Greed is what's taking over the producers of food nowadays. They just want to make profit.
I pity people who take energy drinks and soda all the time. It's been up to 2 years I haven't taken anything soda, and my sugar level is always in a great position. I think the only choice we have is to avoid the ones we can.

Yeah, they are just after profits and have no regard for others' health...

I only take those drinks occasionally now after getting to know of their side effect.

This is a very bad situation. I have experienced it without even considering it to be because of the too much chemicals in our food. God have mercy on us. We are actually eating poison everyday.
Thanks for sharing

They just shorten humans lifespan with their selfishness.

The situation is getting out of hand already.
Fresh Vegetables turn black in few hours. I don't think anything is safe to consume anymore.
I don't even think anything can be done about it. May God help us.

this is one of the aspect the government supposed to tackle, but they are busy chasing the air

That's true because if there is a form of regulation maybe it would be different.

When I see these stuffs I just wonder if those farmers also eat these foods or they prepare the one they will consume separately.
Virtually everything now is adulterated even sugar, I bought sugar in the street last week and it was dusty with large grains, I decided to go and buy in the market but it was the same thing.

they eat it too, they dont care as long as they make money... Only God can save us

Nowadays, I can't even buy veggies like carrots, green beans and the rest and use it in the next three days unlike before.. just the next 24 hours, u will be forced to trash them.. sadly it's getting worse day by day...quick work.. higher productivity at the detriment of our health

The annoying part is that jellof rice taste better the next day and you would have concluded to enjoy your day with it just to meet it that bad.

That issue you narrated it's not just with you, infact I send my food to the freezer immediately it gets cold to avoid stories that touches the heart. Chemicals have really contributed to this and because we humans just want to have things faster than the natural means.

It’s crazy
I just hope we people of nowadays live longer cos the chemicals and all sorts of things we are consuming is causing harm to us

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It's the harsh reality. If you don't use chemicals you will end up for lack of enough food to survive. There exist side effects of chemicals which is little but most of the farmers can't use them properly and it brings negative consequences.

Most times i ask myself why will be people be so wicked is only God that is saving us in this country because things are really going bad