Everything that has to do with the word: "Visigoth" has a synonym for warrior or barbarian! According to studies, the descendants of the Lusitanians, Moors, and Romans were the ones who created the great Portuguese people! One of the oldest and most cultural in Europe. I traveled 150km on purpose because I needed to see for the first time what a tomb of our ancestors was like, who with the Romans led a warlike power for 300 years, but it was the "Goths" who finally put an end to the Roman Empire on the Iberian Peninsula. A warrior culture is normally known for its performance on the battlefield, but this people also left a mark that I WILL... DISCOVER TODAY.🚙🧭🚩
Todo lo que tenga relacion con la palabra: "Visigodo" tiene un sinonimo de guerrero o barbaro! segun estudios los descendientes de los Lusitanos, Moros, Romanos fueron quienes crearon el gran pueblo Portugues! uno de los mas antiguos y culturales de Europa, viaje 150km a proposito porque necesitaba conocer por primera vez como era una tumba de aquellos nuestros antepasados quienes con los Romanos lideraron una potencia belica por 300 anos, pero fueron los "Godos" quienes acabaron definitivamente el imperio Romano de la peninsula iberica, una cultura guerrera normalmente es conocida por sus actuaciones en el campo de batalla pero este pueblo tambien dejo una huella que... HOY YO DESCUBRIRE.👨🏻🏫🧔🏻♂️

Visigothic Route👨🏻🏫🧭/Ruta Visigoda🚩🌍

To reach the Visigoth tombs we must take a small 1.5km path from the main road up some 300-metre hills while we can enjoy the landscape and a forest very isolated from all the villages, a place where possibly some Wars between Romans-Visigoths took place between 416-700 when the Roman Empire was in decline, it is incredible to be able to admire and contemplate that all this land was home to that mysterious warrior culture.🧭👨🏻🏫
Para poder llegar a las tumbas Visigodas debemos hacer un pequeno sendero de 1.5km desde la carretera principal subiendo unas colinas de 300 metros mientras podemos disfrutar del paisaje y un bosque muy aislado de todas las aldeas, un lugar donde posiblemente se llevaron a cabo algunas Guerras entre Romanos-Visigodos entre el 416-700 cuando el imperio Romano estaba en decadencia, es increible poder admirar y contemplar que todo este terreno fue hogar de esa cultura misteriosa guerrera.🚙✍🏻
Visigothic bodies exhumed👨🏻🏫🧭/Cuerpos visigodos exhumados🚩🌍

It's probably not something that will impress you but today I was so excited because I had never seen a live tomb of this category, in fact this one was built in limestone rock of the region, and covered on top with a stone or stones lid! Classified as a rectangular (Cist) type and NOT ANTHROPOMORPHIC, I emphasize this last sentence because it means that it does not have a human design, it is just a box unlike the next one that we will see that is ANTHROPOMORPHIC and so we will be able to compare both tombs.
Probablemente no es algo que te impresione pero yo hoy estaba tan entusiasmado porque nunca habia visto una tumba en vivo de esta categoria, en realidad esta fue construida en Roca calcarea de la region, y arriba cubierta con una tapa de piedra o piedras! clasificada de tipo (Cista) rectangular y NO ANTROPOMORFA, hago enfasis en esta ultima frase porque significa que no tiene un diseno humano, solo es una caja a diferencia de la proxima que veremos que si es ANTROPOMORFA y asi podremos comparar ambas tumbas.

The tombs are located a few kilometers from the village "Touco" exactly to the North, they have free access and you can go at any time, obviously you must respect the signs and the limits to preserve the stones that suffer erosion and wear from environmental factors! The "Visigoths" came from the "Goths of the West", in Lusitania the Celts and the Iberians crossed paths and exchanged cultures, something that happens in almost any part of the planet, both civilizations interacted with the people who inhabited Lusitania and in fact even formed a union!🧭👨🏻🏫🌍
Las tumbas se encuentra a pocos kilometros de la aldea "Touco" exactamente hacia el Norte, tienen libre acceso y puedes ir a cualquier hora, claramente debes respetar la senalizacion y los limites para preservar las piedras que de por si sufren erosion y desgaste de los factores ambientales! Los "Visigodos" venia de los "Godos del Occidente", en Lusitania los Celtas y los Iberos se cruzaron e intercambiaron cultura cosa que sucede en casi cualquier parte del planeta, ambas civilizaciones interactuaron con las personas que habitaban Lusitania y en realidad hasta formaron una union!🚩🧔🏻♂️👆🏻
The difference between Visigoths and Romans👨🏻🏫🧭/La diferencia entre Visigodos y Romanos🚩🌍

Aerial view of non-anthropomorphic tomb👨🏻🏫🚩
The Visigoths together with the Moors were able to expel the Romans from Lusitania who despite existing an interaction "more soldier" than another cultural one because the Visigoths did not have customs similar to the Romans and it was difficult for them to adapt. At first they did not accept crossmarriage with another culture and the issue that caused the most tension was always religious, the Romans were Christians at that time while the Visigoths were: (Arians). Only in 589 almost at the end of the dominion over Lusitania was that the Visigoth King adopted Christianity.🌍
Los Visigodos junto con los Moros pudieron expulsar los Romanos de Lusitania quienes apesar de existir una interaccion "mas de soldado" que otra cultural pues los Visigodos no tenian costumbres parecidas a los Romanos y les dificulto adaptarse primeramente no aceptaban el matrimonio cruzado con otra cultura y el tema que causo mas tension era siempre el religioso, los Romanos eran Cristianos en esa epoca mientras que los Visigodos eran: (Arrianos). Solo en el 589 casi al finalizar el dominio sobre Lusitania fue que el Rey Visigodo adopto el Cristianismo.📸🌄
A superior race??👨🏻🏫🧭/Una raza superior??🚩🌍

That's right... They considered themselves superior to the Lusitanians, Romans, Hispanics! This was because they were superior in numbers, they had a very different culture, and they were warriors, that's why they had weapons! All these facts made the Visigoths a warlike but orthodox power, they had no education, reading, and that is why none of that remained in history and they were only known by a people whose DNA was always combat and victory.🧔🏻♂️🚩✍🏻
Asi es... Ellos se consideraban superior a los Lusitanos, Romanos, hispanicos! esto porque eran superiores en numeros, tenian una cultura muy diferente, y eran los guerreros por eso tenian las armas! todo estos echos hicieron que los Visigodos fueran una potencia belica pero ortodoxa, no tenian educacion, lectura, y es por ello que nada de eso quedo en la historia y solo fueron conocidos por un pueblo cuyo ADN fue siempre el combate y la victoria.💂🏻♀️💂🏻♂️

The non-anthropomorphic tombs discovered in this area, which were two in total, one of which was partially almost destroyed and is therefore not here! They are approximately 189cm high and 52cm deep. The Visigoths were tall compared to the other cultures they interacted with and that is why their strength and level of intimidation were so great; they were Germanic.🚩👨🏻🏫
Las tumbas no antropomorfas descubiertas en esta zona que fueron dos en total una parcialmente casi destruida y por ello no esta aqui! tienen un aproximadamente 189cm de altura y 52cm de profundidad, los Visigodos eran altos en comparacion con las otras culturas que interactuaban y por ello su fuerza y nivel de intimidacion tan grande, eran germanicos.🧭🌍
Anthropomorphic Tomb👨🏻🏫🧭/Tumba Antropomorfa🚩🌍

Less than 600 meters away we will take the second trail that will take us to the second tomb and for me the most mysterious and beautiful because of its design. The terrain is a little neglected so I recommend you come with boots, pants and shirts with sleeves, to avoid the bushes with thorns!🚩👨🏻🏫
a menos de 600 metros vamos a realizar el segundo sendero que nos llevara a la segunda tumba y para mi la mas misteriosa y bonita por su diseno, el terreno esta un poco descuidado por eso te recomiendo venir con botas, pantalones y camisas con mangas, para evitar los arbustos con espinas!✍🏻🚙

This one, like the other, was built inside the limestone, this one has a superior dimension of +5 centimeters, possibly whoever was buried here was taller or it was simply the design, this one is considered anthropomorphic because it has the design of a human being, we can clearly see the structure of the silhouette including the head, tombs like these are unique in their "species" and therefore something that allows us to understand that mysterious culture.🌍🧭
Esta al igual que la otra fueron construida dentro de la piedra calcarea, esta tiene una dimension superior de +5centimetros, posiblemente quien se sepulto aqui era mas alto o simplemente era el diseno, esta si se considera antropomorfa porque tiene el diseno de un ser humano, claramente podemos ver la estructura de la silueta incluyendo la cabeza, tumbas como estas son unicas en su "especie" y por ello algo que permite entender a esa cultura tan misteriosa.🚙

The Visigothic law or "Visigothic code" is the greatest legacy that we could obtain from this warrior people, this code was used to create the set of laws and legislation in the Iberian Peninsula, these laws were still used in the era of the Portuguese discoveries, some surnames there in Europe have Visigothic names such as: (Arnaldo, Beltrán, Bermúdez). Also some Visigothic traces are still preserved in churches.
La ley visigoda o "codigo visigodo" es la mayor herencia que pudimos obtener de ese pueblo guerrero, este codigo se empleo para crear el conjunto de leyes y legislaciones en la peninsula iberica, estas leyes aun se usaron en la era de los descubrimientos Portugueses, algunos apellidos por alli en europa tienen nombres visigodos como: (Arnaldo, Beltrán, Bermúdez). Tambien aun se preservan algunos rastros visigodos en iglesias.
See the graves live👨🏻🏫🧭/Ve las tumbas en vivo🚩🌍

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