PostsCommentsbelkisa758 in # • yesterdayRE: MARQUISE OF OREO AND COFFEEIt has been a sin for me to have seen this publication ha,ha,ha,ha. Delicious recipe.belkisa758 in # • 2 days agoRE: Introducing Coffee Grano A Grano (En/ Es)More coffee brands continue to be created in Venezuela. According to the characteristics you mention it can be something different from the others. I have already copied the…belkisa758 in # • 7 days agoRE: Enjoying coffee With My wife My mouth watered with that menu you describe hahaha. Happy travels to you, enjoy your beach day and don't forget to bring your coffee in a thermos even if it's not the special…belkisa758 in # • 10 days agoRE: Condylostylus insectIt is a jewel! Its color is beautiful. You were lucky to see it, because of its characteristics it can go unnoticed or camouflaged among those leaves of the same color. Greetings.belkisa758 in # • 10 days agoRE: Iniciativa: 💥Lo que Creo que a los Demás Les Gusta de Mí 🥰(Eng-Esp)Aprovecha todos tus dones amiga, saca provecho de cada uno de ellos con mucha sabiduría. Saludos!belkisa758 in # • 10 days agoRE: PhotoFeed Contest - Cityscape Photography Round 109: City Postcards [ENG/ESP] Buen trabajo. Las fotos a mi vista quedaron muy bien editadas. Felicitaciones.belkisa758 in # • 15 days agoRE: They said it would never grow back and nature taught us a lesson!Nature is unique. When she says or decrees to follow her course no one opposes her. Surely this tree will now be stronger and more beautiful, it will show its goodness and tell…belkisa758 in # • 17 days agoRE: The pressure of your baby's first steps - La presión de los primeros Pasos de tu bebé Has leído sobre la diversidad? Bueno... cada individuo es único así como lo son sus procesos. Nadie, ni siquiera la sociedad puede marcar pautas asociadas al desarrollo de…belkisa758 in # • 20 days agoRE: Celebrating my sister's birthday at “Strada Café” (ESP/ENG)Excelente! Ciertamente para estar allí deber ser imposible no contemplar esa ambiente tan espectacular 👌 Es una belleza el local. Me alegra saber que las bebidas también…