Today, I'm at the River Aire at SALT - The Calls, Leeds, recording a video for was planned for today's post (check out the pendant I'm wearing).
I don't often speak in sports analogies, but I will today. During the live Creative Work Hour session today, I needed to "sub out." For those that are not familiar, subbing out is when one player is relieved from the field of play and another goes on the field to take their place.
Today, as I needed to leave the field of hosting CWH, @bitterirony was there to relieve me. Without out a second to prepare he accepted the host role in the online platform and the group went on to check-out following their hour of creative work. I went straight away for a much, though suddenly needed, toes up!
The kind CWH crew du jour 💝
Thank you CWH crew for encouraging me to take a rest to restore myself.
I love you for it!🤗