日落以不同角度灑落林間 The sunset casts its glow through the forest from different angles.

今天想來分享些Pinawa Dam Provincial Park裡美麗的林間照片,因為最近剛好聽到住在美國加州的朋友聊起,2月初加州大火終於逐漸得到控制,在他提到加州大火摧毀無數的樹木、房屋和基礎設施的可怕時,我忽然思考起我好像很久沒前往神秘的林間探險了,於是開始懷念起Pinawa Dam Provincial Park的小片樹林。
Pinawa Dam Provincial Park 作為加拿大省級的遺產公園,除保存在1951年停止運轉的Pinawa水電站歷史遺跡外,同時也發展為休閒場所的公園,大部分的人前往此處的目的都是要觀賞此歷史遺跡,我也不例外,但除此之外,讓我印象深刻的是它美不勝收的小片林間。
Pinawa Dam Provincial Park作為加拿大省立公園,雖然查不到實際面積,但佔地真的非常的大,所以我和朋友差不多逛了2小時才發現其中的一小片林間,發現的時候剛好是日落時分,陽光照射在樹林裡簡直美麗的不可方物。
Today, I want to share some beautiful woodland photos from Pinawa Dam Provincial Park. Recently, I was talking to a friend who lives in California, and he mentioned that the wildfires there were finally coming under control in early February. As he described the devastating destruction—countless trees, homes, and infrastructure lost to the flames—I suddenly realized that it had been a long time since I last ventured into a mystical forest. That conversation made me nostalgic for the small yet enchanting woodland within Pinawa Dam Provincial Park.
As a provincial heritage park in Canada, Pinawa Dam Provincial Park preserves the historical ruins of the Pinawa Hydroelectric Dam, which ceased operations in 1951. While most visitors, myself included, come to admire these historical remnants, what left a lasting impression on me was the park’s breathtaking woodland.
Perhaps because I grew up hearing Alice in Wonderland, I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of a magical forest with mysterious rabbit holes leading to unknown adventures. That’s probably why I have such a deep love for lush, green woods whenever I come across them.
Although I couldn’t find the exact area of Pinawa Dam Provincial Park, it is vast—so vast that my friends and I wandered for nearly two hours before stumbling upon this little patch of forest. By chance, we discovered it right at sunset, and the way the golden light filtered through the trees was simply mesmerizing.
Stepping into the greenery, we watched as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, its light spilling through the gaps in the leaves, casting a warm glow on us. It wasn’t just the warmth that made it special—perhaps it was the sheer beauty of the sunset, the enchanting atmosphere of the moment—but I truly felt like a little rabbit who had accidentally wandered into a magical forest.
Walking through the trees, I lost all sense of time, as if I had been transported away from the bustling world. These towering trees, standing strong through the passing years, seemed both resilient and fragile at the same time. A single wildfire could erase them in an instant. As we immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature, let’s also remember to cherish and protect this precious green treasure.
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